Brian Minter: Pots of winter greenery for the mild winter ahead
Nov 18, 2019
The wonderful idea of greening up winter patios began in earnest about 10 years ago in B.C.
It has also been hugely popular across the country, even in colder locations like Edmonton, Calgary and Toronto. Decorating winter patios with baskets and containers of greens has now become a tradition for many.
The long-range weather forecast for coastal B.C. is for a relatively mild winter in 2019/20, meaning that the range of plants for use in our winter containers can be considerably expanded
Porch pots have risen to the top of the charts in terms of popularity — you see them everywhere. With a little creativity and last summer’s patio pots, you can make your own stunning creations.
Leave the old soil in your pots for extra weight to steady them in winds, and for moisture to keep the greens fresh, soak them thoroughly with water.
In colder areas, branches of ponderosa, white and lodge pole pines, as well as white spruce, with its bluish tinge, and berried juniper take the cold nicely. In coastal areas, Western red cedar and silver and noble fir stand up well in containers and add both texture and colour to a blend of greens.
By arranging them in a one-sided fan shape or as an all-around display, they will not only look great, but will also add a nice fragrance to your patio. For contrast, work in pure white birch stems or the red, yellow and bicolour branches of shrub dogwoods.
Elevate your containers with the deep bronze buds of male skimmia stems, like S. ‘Rubella,’ or the lime green buds of S. ‘Limelight’. Fragrant blue eucalyptus, evergreen magnolia leaves, variegated boxwood, oregonia and coral berry pepperbush all add a classy touch.
Top it all off with the vibrant red berries of deciduous holly (Ilex verticillata) and some white-tipped natural cones to add the final touch.
Most of us have old hanging baskets sitting around somewhere. Well, why not create a winter basket by arranging branches of greens so that they hang in a more pendulous fashion?
I especially love using old moss baskets because an 360-degree look can be created, and when accessorized with cones, berries and huckleberry twigs, they look remarkable. The same great seasonal effect can be created in your rectangular window boxes. Again, leave the soil and old roots in place to hold both the stems and moisture.
To enjoy these porch pot and containers well into the evening, weave in some clear LED mini lights, either the battery-operated or the plug-ins. They will add a touch of magic.
As for maintenance, the trick is to keep both the soil wet and the branches hydrated by misting them with water. Placing them out in the rain is even better. All these greens should last through the Christmas season and well into January.
I think it’s wise to include blocks of suet or bird feeders into these greens arrangements. More and more pollinator plants are being used in our summer containers, so, why not bird feeders in our winter pots? They can be a source of both food and, if you choose, water. Remember, however, to place them away from where predators like cats might cause problems.
According to major suppliers, most of the cut greens you see in stores today are ethically harvested, and many pickers have agreements with leaseholders of forested lands. Only the tips of tree branches are collected without harming the tree. It takes about two to three years for these tips to grow out again.
If you are fortunate to have your own garden, I would encourage you to plant winter colour, such as shrub dogwoods, male and female skimmias, variegated boxwood and even contorted willows. To ensure stunning winter berries, both the male and female deciduous holly must be planted together.
In West Coast gardens this winter, the colour concept can be taken a step further by planting both winter flowers and colourful foliage in containers.
The newer varieties of the Christmas rose (Helleborus niger) are now in full bloom, and these pure white blossoms are gorgeous. Winter-flowering heathers are just beginning to colour up in shades of deep purple, pink and white.
By combining both of these flowering plants with the red berries of wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) and the rich foliage and stems of shrub dogwoods, you will have the makings of a lovely winter container.
Even though they would look great by themselves, why not accessorize them with greens? The soft, pendulous branches of white pine and the red stems of shrub dogwoods would add a special touch.
One local grower is creating beautiful outdoor pots by using white containers filled with a lightly flocked living Alberta spruce that is surrounded with wintergreen. Many other living combinations using your favourite plants will add a nice seasonal touch to your patio or balcony.
Boxwood — both topiary and cone shaped — are very hardy, year-round door accents. They look particularly nice when lit up for the festive season.
There are lots of natural ways to warm up your patio this winter. For example, various accent trees and night lighting will make a cold patio come alive. Why not make dressing up your patio a new winter tradition?